Monday, April 20, 2009

EDM 310 Podcasts

First I listened to my groups podcast. Our podcast topic was "Can Facebook be used as an educational tool?". It wasn't perfect but I can't say that I am really disappointed by it. Our podcast was a little monotone and we could have put more emotion into our voices. There was also a lack of pauses in this podcast. We should have breathed a little more! I also noticed a loud clicking noise that showed up occasionally. I don't know what it was but it took away from what we said!
The second podcast that I listened to was "Technology Used in the College of Education at USA". This podcast felt rushed and the person's voice kept cracking and she stumbled over her words and lost her place a few times. One of the voices was too loud and the other wasn't loud enough. Their words were distinguishable, however, which was a good thing! I was able to hear what they were saying! They also knew their material and I learned somethings!
The third podcast that I chose to listen to was "Can TeacherTube be useful to Teachers?". In this podcast they sound up beat. They enunciate all of their words and they sound comfortable. They seemed to move the microphone excessively though which made a good bit of distracting noise. There was also some of noise in the background which also distracted me from what was being said.
The last podcast that I thought was interesting was "Using Games as Educational Tools.". I liked how they used the Mario Theme in the back ground at the beginning of their podcast! The theme did get distracting after the introductions though. They sounded confident and knew what they were talking about. Some of the voices were too loud though; like they were right next to the microphone.

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